What is birth trauma?

Birth trauma happens when we go through a frightening, stressful or distressing event which is related to giving birth. It can develop into postnatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a type of anxiety disorder.

Witnessing traumatic events can also lead to symptoms of PTSD, so partners can experience it too.

How common is birth trauma?

Research evidence shows that 4-5% of women develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) every year after giving birth, amounting to approximately 30,000 women in the UK. About a third of women experience birth as traumatic.

What causes birth trauma?

Feeling unprepared, having a vulnerability to anxiety and not being treated with compassion can increase the likelihood of experiencing birth trauma.

What help is available?

NHS Gloucestershire Talking Therapies (self referral)

Gloucestershire Birth Anxiety and Trauma Service (professional or self referral). Email talkaboutbirth@ghc.ns.uk to refer yourself.

Gloucestershire Perinatal Mental Health Team (professional referral only)

The Birth Trauma Association

Make Birth Better – Birth Trauma Support For Parents

Find out more

Birth trauma and postnatal PTSD – Mind