We’re on Facebook!

We’re excited to be launching our Gloucestershire Maternity Voices Facebook page this week. Please do pop over and give us a ‘like’ to keep up to date with all the latest news and opportunities to get involved with improving maternity services in Gloucestershire. In the coming weeks and months we will be sharing lots... Read More

Breastfeeding awareness week – visit the bus!

The NHS information bus will be out and about this breastfeeding awareness week with midwives and health visitors. More info to follow closer to the time! Event Location Date/ Time Breastfeeding Information Bus,Clock Tower Roundabout, Coleford Thursday 20th June 2019 Breastfeeding Information Bus,Morrisons Supermarket, Tewkesbury Monday... Read More

Parents join us to talk about the journey to parenthood

Parents join us to talk about the journey to parenthood

Personalised Care Plans – Journey to Parenthood New parents were invited to join the team from Gloucestershire Better Births Programme at The School House Café in Cheltenham on 18th January 2019 to gather feedback on how we can personalise their Journeys to Parenthood. This was as a result of a collaboration across the... Read More

Gloucestershire Maternity Voices

Links to external organisations are provided for information and do not imply endorsement of particular organisations. Gloucestershire Maternity Voices is not responsible for the content of websites of third parties. We have done our utmost to ensure the information provided on this website is correct but we cannot guarantee... Read More

Have you had your flu jab?

Flu during pregnancy can put you at greater risk of complications than when not pregnant. Flu vaccination offers protection for your baby as well. You can get a free flu jab from your GP and from many local pharmacies – ask your pharmacy if they are participating and if you need to book. More information on flu vaccination... Read More